The Village of St. Charles is a member of the Mid-Michigan Waste Authority which was created to help with the negotiation and management of solid waste pick-up services throughout Saginaw County. Currently Mid Michigan Waste Authority contracts with Waste Management for collections. Our service day is Friday and all items for pick-up including trash, recycling and yard waste (yard waste runs first Friday in April- last Friday in November) must be at the curb by 7:00 AM or it may be missed until the following week.
For more information or questions about the Mid Michigan Waste Authority please contact them at 989-781-9555 or visit their Facebook page or website
The Department of Public Works provides a courtesy service to residents of the Village by allowing “curbside pick-up” of larger items not considered yard waste such as logs, branches, and sticks greater that 3 inches in diameter. This service is only available the first full week of the month, April through October.
Before placing brush to the curb, please be aware of the Village’s brush removal policy:
- All brush must be stacked neatly parallel to the street and should be within two to three feet from the road surface.
- Brush piles cannot exceed 8 (eight) feet in length.
- If you have multiple piles of 8 feet or less, they may not overlap one another.
- All brush must be out by the road by 7:30 AM on Monday of the first full week of each month. If brush is not out when our crew is in your neighborhood, your brush will not be picked up.
- Brush generated from a clear-cut of a property will not be fully removed. We will remove only one dump truck load per parcel.
St. Charles Code of Ordinances Can Be Accessed Online by Clicking HERE
Zoning Ordinance adopted 5.10.23