Have questions? Send us an email at downtowninfo@stcmi.com or like us on Facebook @Downtown St. Charles, Michigan
Facade Grant Program 2024-2025
Taken from the 1989 Downtown Development Authority TIF Plan “the primary goal of the St. Charles Downtown Development Authority is to improve the quality of life in the district through proper planning and desirable public improvements. The general policy goals of the district are broad, all encompassing “ideals” and include:
- Improve the overall business climate of the district to deter economic decline and improve the tax base;
- Encourage the retention and expansion of employment opportunities;
- Maintain and improve public facilities;
- Provide guidance for compatible land use development within the district; and
- Improve the general appearance and visual amenities and preserve sites with unique design features or character.
The D.D.A. owns and operates the Goodrich Building located at 115 S Saginaw St., St. Charles, MI 48655. It is currently occupied by St. Charles Coin Shop, Arnold Family Chiropractic and the Secretary of State.
The D.D.A. holds no outstanding contracts or retainers and all maintenance is done through the Village of St. Charles staff. Utility bills for water, sewer and electricity as well as any supplies that are needed for the building are billed to the Village of St. Charles and paid for with D.D.A. funds.
Seasonally the D.D.A. employs through the Village of St. Charles four part-time persons to water the flowers in town and maintain the weeds, parks and flower beds in town during the summer months.
D.D.A. Board Terms are Four-Year terms. Regular meetings on the first Friday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in the Village Council Chambers located at 110 W. Spruce St., St. Charles, MI 48655.
- Hartmann Aue, D.D.A. Executive Director
- Edgar Tithof, Village President
- Kathy Westervelt, Chairman 2028
- Jennifer Rosser-Nesbit 2028
- Kelly Cornford 2026
- Victoria Devereaux 2025
- Nanette Pretzer 2028
- Joe Kline 2026
- Pam Ginderske 2026
- Lori Wille 2028
- Vacancy
Two Informational Meetings will be held during the year pursuant to PA 57 of 2018 and will be open to the public and taxing jurisdictions.
Informational Meeting October 4, 2019
Informational Meeting November 1, 2019
Informational Meeting November 6, 2020
Informational Meeting December 4, 2020
Informational Meeting August 6, 2021
Informational Meeting December 3, 2021
Informational Meeting October 7, 2022
Informational Meeting June 2, 2023
Informational Meeting November 3, 2023
Informational Meeting August 2, 2024