Gateway to the Shiawassee Flats
The Village of St. Charles is located in Saginaw County, approximately 20 miles southwest of Saginaw. As of the 2020 Census, there were 2,054 residents who enjoy the small-town living that people desire while commuting to work in nearby Saginaw, Midland and other larger towns. The 20,000 acre Shiawassee Flats encompass the Michigan State Game Area providing opportunities for hunting, fishing, canoeing, hiking, and birdwatching. The “Flats” are located on the eastern edge of St. Charles. The Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge is also on the eastern edge of the village. The refuge is designated an United States Important Bird Area with global significance in migratory waterfowl. It was established in 1953, and contains 10,000 acres of marsh, bottomland hardwood forest, and grasslands.
Pistol Sales Records Not Accepted At Village Office
Pistol Sale Records cannot be accepted at the Village Office and need to be mailed or dropped off at the Saginaw County Sheriff's Department at 618 Cass St., Saginaw, MI 48602. If you have any questions please call them directly at 989-790-5456. …